Quote from "Singabout" 1(1) Summer 1956:
Quote from "The Argus" 24th October 1956:
The club holds a video copy of a TV programme featuring the Billabong Band, recorded in 1957. We do not yet have permission from the ABC to show this video.
Quote from "ABC Weekly" 9th April 1958:
Cover of "Singabout" 3(4) 1959 showing members of the band:
We believe that the guitar player (front right) is Joy Durst.
If you can name any other person, please
contact the Webmaster.
"Singabout" 3(4) cover picture:
"Singabout" 3(4) article in 1959 on development of the band and formation of the Victorian Bush Music Club:
The official site of the Victorian Folk Music Club Incorporated (Reg No A2511Y) ABN 28 668 156 704
Last modified: November 04 2022 02:44.